All Episodes
Episode 65 - 02/14/2025
The Judging of the Priestess
"The Judging of the Priestess" by Nelson S. Bond.
Episode 64 - 11/21/2024
The Chickasha Bone Crusher
A short story from "The Leather Pushers" collection, published in 1921. By Harry Charles Witwer
Episode 63 - 10/31/2024
The Witches' Sabbath
"The Witches' Sabbath" by Stephen Bagby. A startling tale of devil-worship, witchcraft, and the Black Mass.
Episode 62 - 10/30/2024
Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad
"Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad" by M. R. James
Episode 60 - 10/28/2024
The Monkey's Paw
Classic horror for Halloween. This episode is the "Monkey's Paw" by W. W. Jacobs.
Episode 59 - 09/16/2024
The Monster Maker
"The Monster Maker", by Ray Bradbury. A camera is a devil of a poor weapon with which to capture a pirate's fortress. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed. This is an experiment with music and sound effects.
Episode 58 - 08/30/2024
Lords of the Stratosphere
"Lords of the Stratosphere" by Arthur J. Burks. High into air are the great New York buildings lifted by a ray whose source no telescope can find.
Episode 57 - 08/23/2024
Onslaught of the Druid Girls
"Onslaught of the Druid Girls" by Ray Cummings. Originally published in June 1941 issue of "Fantastic Adventures." Extensive research discovered no indication of copyright renewal.
Episode 56 - 08/16/2024
Smoke, by Ward Hawkins. Steve Burch, Forest Ranger, Fights Fire with Fire in a Grim Struggle Against a Trio of Killers!
Episode 54 - 07/05/2024
The Prince of Mars Returns (Part 5)
Concluding "The Prince of Mars Returns" by Philip Francis Nowlan.
Episode 53 - 07/04/2024
The Prince of Mars Returns (Part 4)
Continuing "The Prince of Mars Returns" by Philip Francis Nowlan.
Episode 52 - 07/03/2024
The Prince of Mars Returns (Part 3)
Continuing "The Prince of Mars Returns" by Philip Francis Nowlan.
Episode 51 - 07/02/2024
The Prince of Mars Returns (Part 2)
Continuing "The Prince of Mars Returns" by Philip Francis Nowlan.
Episode 50 - 07/01/2024
The Prince of Mars Returns (Part 1)
The Prince of Mars Returns, by Philip Francis Nowlan (Part 1)
Episode 49 - 05/17/2024
Redheaded Decoy
A redheaded girl led six G-men toward the killers’ hidden lair. Was the redhead
betraying the mobster she loved? Or was she Murder’s come-on girl? By Don Cameron. Originally published in April 1937 in Secret Agent X. Copyright not renewed, now in the public domain.
Episode 47 - 12/20/2023
Return of a Demon
Zedri-Nesu was an ancient demon who was a curse to lovers. Now he was released to prey on them. This episode is "Return of a Demon" by Alexander Blade. Originally published in the May, 1943 issue of Fantastic Adventures. Extensive research could not discover a copyright renewal, so it is believed to be in the public domain.
Episode 46 - 10/18/2023
Special Agent to Venus
"To Paul Wayne, being wrecked meant only that his comrades faced extermination." Short Story by Thornton Ayre. Original publication: October, 1940 issue of Fantastic Adventures. Extensive research has not revealed the necessary renewal of copyright, so this is believed to be in the public domain.
Episode 45 - 10/03/2023
The Lost Gods
"The Lost Gods" by Dorothy Quick. A short story. "Gods are as real as their worshipers."
Episode 44 - 09/15/2023
Jewels of the Toad
Almost anything can happen when certain chemicals get together in the correct proportion—even a time blast! This episode features "Jewels of the Toad" by Frank Patton.
Episode 43 - 08/16/2023
$100,000 for a Wife
A live radio play I directed a couple of years ago. A little outside the regular fare around here, but fun nonetheless.
Episode 42 - 03/17/2023
The World Behind the Moon
The World Behind the Moon by Paul Ernst from the public domain. What bizarre life lies in wait on the planet hidden in the moon's shadow?
Episode 41 - 02/10/2023
Sailors' Grudge by Robert E. Howard
Sailors' Grudge by Robert E. Howard. From the public domain, narrated by Bryce Beattie.
Episode 40 - 01/24/2023
The Black Stone Statue
The Black Stone Statue by Mary Elizabeth Counselman. Narrated by Katie Beattie.
Episode 39 - 12/22/2022
Knife Man's Nemesis
O'Hare had embarked on his strangest case. For he was on the trail of a man who combined business with pleasure by insuring his victims before killing them. And When O'Hare caught up with this homicide host, he found his quarry about to sacrifice another beautiful girl on the altar of greed.
Episode 38 - 10/21/2022
The Cronin Matter, from Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar
An old time radio mystery serial, merged to play as a single performance.
Episode 36 - 09/06/2022
Sword of Fire
Jupiter Jones, naked and helpless in the slime of that vile world, cursed the space warp that had flung him down among its groveling mutants. For their rising, exited whispers proclaimed him a knight in shining armor -- the bright weapon in his hands their only hope against the vicious octopods who enslaved them!
Episode 36 is "Sword of Fire" by Emmett McDowell, first published in the Winter 1949 issue of Planet Stories, and now is in the public domain.
Episode 35 - 08/21/2022
Leather Larceny
After much too long of a hiatus, the podcast is back with a boxing story, "Leather Larceny" by Larry Sternig. "This kid they practically dragged into the ring... made him fight... made him yellow... made him tough... made him champ."
Episode 34 - 04/03/2022
The Christmas Spirit
“Give a guy a fair break!” said the sherriff, his arms in the air. “I was half asleep like-it was a sort o’ lapse me givin’ you that gun. Be fair now, an’ hand it back, there’s a buddy!”
Episode 33 - 04/02/2022
The Empress of Mars
Death stalked Darak of Werg at every step, but the Royal Bracelet and the Princess of Werg meant far more than one man’s life.
Episode 32 - 04/01/2022
Home Sweet Homicide
Just before a bullet removed Leander Leffwell from the living, that Beantown screwball had completed his radio for talking with the dead. And to spot Leander’s sponsor, Snooty Piper set out to tune himself in on hell’s black network.
Episode 31 - 03/31/2022
The Insect Invasion
Horror filled Dr. Ames as the insect horde swooped down on the helpless village. Could nothing stop their awful attack?
Episode 30 - 03/30/2022
The Half Haunted
Would you laugh if something followed you around your home- something cold and sneaky, that wasn’t even there when you turned your head?
Episode 29 - 03/29/2022
Invaders from Sirius
“Keep going!” roared Thomas. “Get in there and clean out those rotors or I’ll shoot you down!” Webb climbed desperately, his body buffeted by the suction from the giant wheel.
Episode 28 - 03/28/2022
Kill that Headline
As a newspaperman, he couldn’t decently or ethically do anything about it. But as a man in love with the girl reporter, he had to make his move when she was threatened…
Episode 27 - 03/27/2022
Revolt of the Robots
Ambition gripped the mind of Tarra Greghold, and she sought to rule the world, unaware that a robot mind could become ambitious as well.
Episode 26 - 03/26/2022
The Golden Goblins
Each warrior was given a sacred bundle, to keep and to pass on in reverence down through generations, never to open it, never to reveal what power lay within. Now, that generational secret is threatened, and it may be more dangerous than anyone could have imagined.
Episode 24 - 03/24/2022
The Enchantress of Sylaire
Her land was old in evil and sorcery-and all who dwelt therein were ancient as the land… and equally cursed.
Episode 23 - 03/23/2022
A Knife in a Dark Hand
I forced an AI to read all of the original Conan Stories, then write its own. This is the glorious result.
Episode 22 - 03/22/2022
Pistol Politics
What happens when a roudy mining town decides it wants to be a city? Even more gunfights and mayhem than normal.
Episode 21 - 03/21/2022
Death Dives Deep
A scientist is forced miles below the earth’s surface to hide from a deadly foe. But what he finds below is far more deadly than the mere gangsters he left above.
Episode 20 - 03/20/2022
The Terror by Night
He didn't believe, so he played with forces he couldn't understand. Now he will pay the price.
Episode 19 - 03/19/2022
The Leonardo Rondache
Leonardo Da Vinci may have painted the shield, but did he put the demon in it?
Episode 17 - 03/17/2022
The Scarlet Salamander
A crime wave tears through the city, leaving the signature of a notorious criminal - The Scarlet Salamander.
Episode 15 - 03/15/2022
Bill of Rights, 5000 A.D.
What happens when the people forget? How many does it take to spark a revolution?
Episode 14 - 03/14/2022
Daughter of Thor (Finale)
The climactic Finale. Will our hero win the heart of Thor's daughter? We he even survive the battle?
Episode 13 - 03/13/2022
The Daughter of Thor (Part 2)
As if the Nazis alone weren't bad enough, now he is captured by a band of Norse gods.
Episode 12 - 03/12/2022
The Daughter of Thor (Part 1)
A strange sequence of events leads an American pilot and a Nazi officer to the mythical land of Valhalla.
Episode 11 - 03/11/2022
The Bulldog Breed
In which Sailor Steve Costigan says goodbye to his beloved Sea Girl then fights the frenchman who kicked his dog.
Episode 10 - 03/10/2022
Escape from Utopia
Life in “Utopia” was beautiful, perfectly regulated to satisfy everyone’s needs and desires—except one.
Episode 9 - 03/09/2022
Hard Guy
Something about the raw deal that this kid was getting made Dan Flaherty forget that he was supposed to be a hard guy. . .
Episode 8 - 03/08/2022
Clue of Courage
Just a dumb rookie cop, they said. A mugg with brains in his feet and not enough savvy to buck the choppers.
Episode 7 - 03/07/2022
Donegal Sailor
When you spend your life building sailing ships, you love them all the way to violence.
Episode 6 - 03/06/2022
Blood for the Vampire Dead
Was this then the horrible price Tim Croft must pay for his disbelief in devil-magic philtres?- forfeiture of his own lovely fiancee’s life-blood to the undead corpse of Haunted Hollow!
Episode 5 - 03/05/2022
An Adventure on Eros
Who can handle the pressure on a dangerous space trip when the stakes are high?
Episode 4 - 03/04/2022
The Devil's Crypt
As the creatures of a condemned man's dream, the Brotherhood of Black Evil arose from the dust of 800,000 years to weave its spell of criminal sorcery over those who knew the answer to the Gray Sphinx riddle.
Episode 2 - 03/02/2022
Law and Order
This episode used to be number 12, but after the relaunch, is now number 2. It is a western, happening before law came to San Francisco. Written by Gordon Young, originally published in Adventure, February of 1919.
Episode 1 - 03/01/2022
StoryHack Podcast Relaunch
I'm getting the podcast started back up. For those who are new to the podcast, I also explain what to expect.